Are The Hornets In Chicago Causing Trouble On Your Property?

Hornet nest on fence
If you enjoy spending time in your garden and tending to your landscaping, you're probably no stranger to unwanted visitors such as hornets. These summertime pests are hazardous to have around your Chicago property, whether or not you're allergic, so how can you keep yourself and your loved ones safe this year? It's not easy to control outdoor pests like hornets. Still, with some helpful information and a little assistance from your local Chicago pest control company, you'll be free to enjoy the rest of your summer uninterrupted by stinging insects.

The Key To Identifying Hornets

Stinging insects all tend to look the same or mostly similar. However, it's pretty difficult to identify the type of insect actively attacking you. If you can inspect your prickly pest without fear of harm and know what wasps and hornets look like, it's much easier to pinpoint which species are infesting your property.

The only "true hornet" species in North America is the European hornet, but while they're mainly found on the eastern coast, they're becoming more common pests in Illinois as well. They're roughly an inch to a half long with black and dark yellow markings, and they have tiny burnt-orange hairs covering their bodies. Bald-faced hornets are much more common in Chicago, although they're technically wasps. These stinging insects are around an inch long, black and pale yellow, and have tiny black hairs covering their bodies.

Some Helpful Ways To Deter Hornets In Chicago

Environments that attract hornets contain high moisture, plenty of shade, and easily accessible food sources. Your Chicago property could possess these favorable conditions without you even realizing it, but there are plenty of things you can do around your home and lawn to prevent hornets:

  • Aerate the soil around your property to promote proper drainage.
  • Clean out your gutters and dump out any receptacles holding stagnant water.
  • Check your pipes to make sure there aren't any leaks or cracks.
  • Trim back tree branches and shrubs around the exterior of your home.
  • Install tight-fitting lids on your outdoor trash cans.
  • Clean up outdoor cooking and dining areas immediately after eating.
  • Try not to over-water your garden areas.
  • Reduce the number of flowering plants in your garden.
  • Add a fake wasp nest to the exterior of your property. Stinging insects are territorial and less likely to nest near another colony.
  • Seal up any cracks, gaps, and holes around the exterior of your home.

These easy tips will reduce the likelihood of hornets nesting on your property, but prevention by itself won't guarantee your protection against an infestation. The best way to keep your home and family safe is with professional assistance from your local Chicago pest control company.

How To Find The Hornet Nest On My Property

Both European hornets and bald-faced hornets build nests above ground level, but each has different nesting styles. Bald-faced hornets build aerial paper nests, while European hornets build nests in hollow cavities, so your hornet nest could be anywhere:

  • Within wall voids
  • On a tree branch
  • Inside a hollow tree
  • In a decorative bush
  • Inside the chimney
  • Hanging from the porch overhang

If you have some free time and have a safe location to observe, the hornets will show you where they're nesting. Watch them closely and look for areas with high activity. If you don't have the time or a safe location, your local stinging insect control company can find the nest.

Professional Pest Control For Hornet Infestations

Summers are meant to be enjoyed outdoors, so if you have a hornet infestation on your Chicago property, it's time to take your space back. It's dangerous to attempt to get rid of hornets on your own, though, so keep yourself safe and call in the professionals. Our pest experts at Aerex Pest Control know how to handle any common stinging insect in Chicago, including hornets, and we always guarantee 100% satisfaction for every treatment we offer. So please get in contact with us today to learn more about our treatment options.

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