Are The Spiders In My Chicago Home Dangerous?

Brown Recluse Spider crawling in a basement window with bars.
Most homeowners don’t know enough about local spider varieties to tell apart the potentially harmful ones from the run-of-the-mill house spiders. And, to be honest, most homeowners don’t care to learn. We can’t blame them, most are not likely to want to get close enough to inspect each spider. That’s why it’s important to do your best to prevent spider populations from forming -- and why you should call the experts if you do notice spider activity.

Spiders: An Overview

Members of the arachnid family, spiders have eight legs, eight eyes, and large fangs. All spiders have venom, but most of theirs aren’t potent enough to be harmful to people or our house pets. In North America, we have so few truly dangerous spiders that most people see them and don’t think about what they mean in the bigger picture. Spiders only enter homes because other pests are already there. Spiders can survive sub-freezing temperatures and they don’t forage for food like other bugs. That means they only enter properties because their source of food -- other bugs -- has already invaded. That’s why all spiders are unwelcome signs of larger problems.

Are Spiders Dangerous?

Again, most spiders are generally harmless. Common house spiders or garden spiders, terms we use to describe all kinds of less dangerous species, don’t have venom that’s strong enough to affect us with anything more than an itchy welt on the skin. That said, there are a couple of more dangerous varieties out there: black widows and brown recluses. They are far rarer than other house spiders, and they tend to hide from sight even when they are there. That said, only experts can truly identify one species from another, and you shouldn’t risk a bite by trying to root around for spider nests on your own. Instead, it’s better to learn how to prevent overall pest problems than to try and respond to them as they crop up.

Spider Prevention For Your Home

To truly stay protected from dangerous spiders, you have to take steps to prevent all kinds of spider species, and the pests they eat, from entering your property. Here are some of the best ways to do this:

  • Food storage: Leaving food out or storing it in flimsy packaging can attract the kinds of bugs that spiders eat. Proper food storage will reduce your risk of infestation.
  • Trash storage: The same is true of your garbage, which provides plenty of food scraps for foraging pests to survive on. Spiders will be attracted by their growing populations.
  • Crack sealing: Holes or cracks in your exterior can provide tiny pests with access to interior walls. You should check your walls and foundation frequently and address any repairs promptly.

Get Help From Aerex Pest Control

Even non-dangerous spiders can be signs of larger pest problems, and the longer those problems go untreated the more likely it is that more dangerous pests will move in, too. That’s why, instead of trying to handle the general pest control that’s necessary to keep spiders out all on your own, you should trust Aerex Pest Control. Our trained staff knows how to identify all kinds of pests, from varieties of spiders to the other kinds of bugs that might attract them. Not only that, we can check for all the things that might attract pests to your property, and areas where they might gain access to your home. Rather than respond to pest problems as they pop up, let us get started today on an inspection of your home so we can come up with a prevention and elimination plan that matches your situation.

To stay protected from invasive spiders, contact Aerex Pest Control today.

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